Friday, July 22, 2011

Time To Give Up The Dream

I've been watching Alias on DVD. Not sure if you caught this gem from JJ Abrams that ran from 2001-2006 on ABC. The main thing I get from this is...working for the CIA is cool! Why couldn't I do that? How hard could it be to learn hand-to-hand combat techniques, be able to disable bombs, break any code out there in record time, wear cool disguises and travel all over the world? I'm in. Upon further investigation (going to the CIA website), I was disappointed to learn that I technically have no marketable skills to provide the CIA. First of all, the majority of field positions are available to people ages 23-27. Ok, so I missed out there. What about a linguist position? They accept people up to age 35. Despite the fact that I majored in French in college and can speak it fluently, even Michael Vartan who plays a CIA agent on the show is more bilingual than I am. And French isn't really the main language they're looking for today. They prefer that you be fluent in Arabic, Mandarin, Russian, Farsi and Kurdish. Come to think of it, I don't really keep secrets all that well. I think it's time to give up the dream...and live vicariously through Jennifer Garner.

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