Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Take The Money And Run

Maybe it's just because I'm well into season 4 of Alias, but the premise of the new ABC summer show, "Take the money and run" had me intrigued. Let's not mention what other ABC show I was watching when I saw the first preview for this show (Really? JP over Ben?). Anyway, I digress. This show totally plays into my current fascination with the CIA and covert ops. Basically, a team of two is given a  briefcase with $100,000 in it and they have one hour to hide it in their hometown. In the case of the premiere, two brothers have to hide the suitcase in San Francisco. The detectives and profilers have 48 hours to find the briefcase. If they do, they get the money. If not, the brothers keep it. All the detectives have to go on are the phone records from the hour the brothers had to hide the cash, the GPS coordinates from the route the brothers took, and any information gleaned from interviews while the brothers are in custody. It's amazing in this first episode to see how the brother Paul is completely breaking down despite the fact that he only has to wait it out for 48 hours before he and his brother can walk away with $100,000. He even talks about how they'd give some money to their mom, who had breast cancer. Toughen up, buddy!

I've never been to jail or slept in a jail cell, but I can't imagine that it would be that hard to lie to the detectives and wait it out. I guess the other part of this game would be having a partner you could really trust. You'd have to come up with a lie that you could both stick to. In this case, the brothers buried the briefcase in a park, which I think is brilliant. They then don't have to worry about any of the friends they called giving them up.

There are so many ways you could play the interrogation. To see Paul give up the location with only 18 hours left to go drives me CRAZY! It's a game! A TV show! For $100,000! The detectives walk away with the money. And the other brother is ok with it? Ughhh! This show is my new obsession.

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