Sunday, July 3, 2011

My "Survivalist" Mentality

Is it just me, or has television scared everyone else into thinking the end of the world is coming? I'm not talking about the news, or crazies who say the Rapture is upon us. No, I'm talking about shows like Jericho and The Walking Dead. For some reason, the writing is so good that I actually feel like at any moment a nuclear bomb could go off or a disease could turn everyone I know into zombies and I'd have to run for my life. I first noticed this when I found myself buying 36 bottles of water from Sam's Club. Why would I need this much bottled water? Well, for when I'm on the road trying to avoid creatures wanting to eat my flesh. And I've sort of put together a "go" bag with clothes, a first aid kit and non-perishable food items. Throw in movies like "The Road" and I find myself making sure my gas tank is always full...just in case. Of course, I'm sure it's good to have a disaster plan in place anyway. You can never be too prepared. When the zombies are banging down your door, contact me on your hand-held radio and I'll come save you.

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