My musings and comments on the ridiculous number of movies and TV shows I watch each day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A note about spoilers
I have always been the kind of person who wants everyone to know what I got them for Christmas months before the holiday. We all know I can't keep a secret very well. However, when it comes to television or movie spoilers, I actively try not to ruin it for other people, especially if they tell me not to. That being said, if you DVR'd the final episode of Lost but haven't watched it yet, or haven't seen the episode of Dexter where we find out who Trinity is, you probably shouldn't be on Facebook, or the internet in general for that matter. When I'm not able to stay up for the Survivor finale, I actively avoid all possible references to the show, including Facebook, Twitter and any of Michael Ausiello's TVLine posts. So, please don't get angry with me because you haven't caught up yet. Do what I do. Lock yourself in a room with your DVR'd program and avoid all other media until you are ready to discuss it. Thank you.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
True Blood or True Disappointment?
Let's be honest, I watched the 8-minute preview of this season's premiere of True Blood last week and was SO confused. As a faithful Charlaine Harris reader, I have no idea where they're going with this season...witches other than Amelia? Sookie gone for over a year? Tara as a lesbian wrestler? Not so much in the books. And since when does Sam shapeshift into a horse? The one deviation I enjoy is keeping Lafayette around. He was killed in the first book, but is the most colorful character on the show. And Jesus isn't hard on the eyes either. I do love the Jessica/Hoyt storyline. And it's always nice to see Eric. Technically, I got HBO for True Blood, but I guess it's time to catch up on In Treatment, Game of Thrones, Treme and Boardwalk Empire.
Welcome to "We could talk or not talk"
I was sitting in front of my television with a glass of wine, typical for a Sunday night, or any night for that matter, and was watching "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World". I realize this movie came out last year, so instead of writing a random facebook status like, "If your life had a face, I would punch it" and hope that someone would recognize the quote and then comment on how much they liked that movie that came out 8 months ago, I decided to start a blog where I can discuss both current movies and TV shows and old ones that I'm just now getting to (like Alias). If this is anything like Twitter, I'll probably end up with 5 people who occasionally read and/or comment on my blog. But that's ok. I always wish that I had kept the ticket stubs to every movie I've ever seen, but at least now I'll have written documentation of what I was watching when, say, NY legalized gay marriage or the Real Housewives went to Morocco. So comment or don't comment, talk or don't talk. And if this takes away from my words with friends playing, I apologize.
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